Social media strategy for local government (2 Days)
A successful and good social media presence represents an elementary source of income for many administrations, corporations and companies. The administration is always striving to generate new target groups via social media.
This still presents many administrations with major challenges. At the same time, those in charge are also feeling the pressure to open up to digital communication in social media. This two-day seminar will provide you with practical knowledge and an understanding of how to conduct successful communications and public relations work with a social media strategy that is based on your goals and needs and that is also financially profitable.
Key components of this seminar further include:
- Social media as part of global digitalization
- Social media in administration using examples
- How to make use of social media platforms
- Learning social media strategies
- Creating branding and defining, developing and communicating a brand
- Optimizing the target group of users
- Defining success and making it measurable
- Plan and manage resources
- Create tools for more facilitation and automation processes
- Learn communications infrastructure and appropriate crisis communications
- Content planning as well as content setting
- Community building and use
- Use performance marketing (paid advertising)
- Trends and future aspects
- Dealing with hate speech and Reichsbürger and other groups
This seminar is aimed at those responsible for public relations who want to improve their Internet presence (e.g. in terms of successful city marketing) and thus successfully generate new customer groups in social media.